
The Rebirth of Orthodoxy: Signs of New Life in Christianity is unavailable, but you can change that!

In The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, Thomas Oden describes the unexpected resurgence of a new Christian Orthodoxy—post-denominational, flexible, rooted in ancient beliefs, and remarkably relevant to the needs of our time. Our generation has witnessed a stark reversal in our time: as modern secular and political ideologies continue to wane, communities of traditional faith are flourishing now more than...

alone, apart from the whole story of revelation. Because each scripture text is rightly understood in relation to the whole of scripture, the comparison of texts is essential to orthodox scripture teaching. (This has nothing to do with fundamentalism, I might add—a movement that did not emerge until the late nineteenth century.) Second, the classic exegetes looked at scripture not only in relation to other texts but also in relation to the broader context of its culture, history, and language—but
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